Monday, October 5, 2009

Fair Play?

While reading this article, I found myself surprised how educational the context is. It actually broadened my perspective how I view video games. It's intriguing how the article points out the lack of ESRBs accuracy to give appropriate ratings on video games. Experts found that 32% of games rated E (Everyone) was inappropriate for 3-7 yr olds, 13% of E-rated games were inappropriate for 8-12 yr olds and 57% of the T (Teen) rated games were questionable for 12-17 yr olds. Now that is huge!
Also, there is the issue of gender. After reading this section, looking back at countless video games I've played, I realized there is a lack of women as player-controlled characters. Sure, theres the Tomb Raider series, the recently released WET game, the female sidekick in Resident Evil 5, and several others. But the majority of player-controlled characters are male, particularly white males. The article does have a point in saying there are few Hispanic and Asian characters whom usually appear in sport genres than any other genres. There is not one video game I have seen that reveals female characters without portraying them as hyper sexualized. Every female game character has a "perfect" body and showing a good amount of skin. Unfortunately all of this sends out the wrong messages to kids about what the norm is in society.

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